Category: ruby

Full Moon Leo – love and creativity in the heart

Leo love is snuggling into your lap tonight, her full moon magic touching your bare soul. Her clawed paws, retracted, are softly marking your skin, as she illuminates the path of fiery energy. Is there something new you are urging to explore? Or something old which is still lingering in your deep river of memories? Creative Leo is moving her tail, reminding us of our gifts, continuously revealing themselves as we look beyond the horizon. Under this round-bellied moon, take the fake fur for a ride and glam it up. Sparkling jewellery and spring water in a champagne flute, all to refresh your soul.

Blessed Be )0(

Sun Daisy, drawing by Pia, 2021

Full Moon Love & heartfelt passions arise

The beautiful full moon in Leo creates passionate awakenings and luxurious thoughts of love and creativity. Tune into the lioness luna and let her warmth fill your chakras with passionate energy. Express your individuality as part of the cosmos, and remember that which makes you radiate brings healing to others. In this time of deep soul-longing, find your creative spark and let it flow, like the flowers opening their petals to the sun, let your heart chakra receive and express your unique talents. Meditate with the gorgeous rays of pink and green and reset your visioning. Being here and now will lead you to the future of your dreams, where places, people and energies positively connect.

Blessed Be )0(

Artwork by Pia