Category: newmooncapricorn

New Moon Capricorn & mountain goat love

The sun and moon join together in Capricorn tonight, and here we are, the new year has started. Earth with earth, we stick to our plans, letting the magical goat-mermaid lead us, taking care to not fall off the cliff as we embrace the new. Where is our path leading? To that space where we are safe, loved and at peace. Nothing else matters when we accept our own destiny, supported by family and friends, we know that change is coming. Sing with the cosmic waves tonight and let them cleanse you, while la luna calms your chaos, and lulls you into a nourishing sleep. Dream the world into being, and let the Goddess weave with her golden threads, creating a blanket of joy and prosperity.

Blessed Be )0(

Lunar locks, mixed media art by Pia, 2022

New Moon Capricorn & forest faun love

Cleanse your aura under the Capricorn new moon tonight and listen to the call of your own forest faun. His words might be hidden within the mystical foliage of the dark night, echoing back subtle messages, curated for your ears only. What might his horned psyche tell you? Perhaps he urges you to gently leave old stuck ways behind and instead, with a cherished warmth, embrace a whole new chapter of grounded empowerment. The goat’s wisdom is vast, follow his example and organize your skills, the best is channeled from source, revealed by la luna’s dark light. Walk softly with the faun’s embrace, enjoy the healing and raise a toast to the ancient one.

Blessed Be )0(

Forest faun, drawing by Pia, 2021

New Moon Capricorn & Solar Eclipse

The new moon is immersed with the Sea Goat’s magic tonight. Ground yourself with the darkened goaty luna’s energies and weave your fragrant flowery wreath for the coming season. Your wishes are made tangible with the nymphs spirited joy. Maybe Pan himself is playing his flute for you under this Capricorn moon? Toast to la luna with an Arcadian dance and let the occulted sun join in. Banish all heaviness and flow with the delicate, attractive moonbeams. May the new year bring us all peace, love and cherished community, local, global and universal. Thank you.

Blessed be )0(

Drawing by Pia

New Moon Capricorn & dreaming into being

painting of the crescnet moon with plants

In the winter’s darkness, the Capricorn new moon and the sun’s partial eclipse send us into a dreaming state where we gather to vision together. Not yet fully awakened from the snowy landscape, we can dwell in the dream-time to forge ideas and concepts not yet realised. With the support of the Sea Goat, we can plan with grounded steadfastness and see the new forms emerging. Dream carefully and don’t rush, the new luna is observing your subconcious movements and allows you to process in a meditative state. The collective mind is uniting us to protect and grow a world which we love. Seek out the magical secrets of your seeds and flow with them. Art, music and love is our nourishment.

Blessed Be )0(

Painting by Pia

New Moon Capricorn: clear, manifest and commit

The new goat moon treks the cliffs confidently in her little steps, keeping the balance as she decides where to go. What are you stepping into or out of? Let this first new luna of the year show you the commitment you wish for, she is not scared of falling from the heights. Let her clear your obstacles and manifest the higher visions, those sparkly ones that have been hiding. Time to shine on.
Blessed Be )0(
Drawing by Pia