Category: clear quartz

New Moon Taurus & finding home

The new moon in Taurus tonight brings the comforts of the home, telling you to relax and to be with the earth. Grounding truths may appear, illuminating the feeling of pure knowledge, letting it touch you in all the ways a soul retrieval can. The Taurean Goddess allows for luxurious enjoyment, and for creating your own sacred nest. Starting small, the building bricks laced with earth fairy magic will provide the Shakespearean space of dream time. Gracefully open your heart under the new moon tonight and let the feeling of protective abundance heal you. Hug a tree and let loose. It is all here, waiting for you.

Blessed Be )0(

Earth Goddess, drawing by Pia, 2021

Full Moon Libra – balancing soul & heart

Balance the scales tonight with the Libra full moon, her energy activating that which need readjustment. Pour your soul and heart to the Goddess of Spring and receive her guidance and comfort. La luna’s Libran flow finds the faraway corners with spirited energy of festivity and encourages us to experience true bliss. Let her moon healing open your hidden box of innermost wishes and feel the air carrying them to their rightful destination. Perhaps there are fairies involved, notice the sparkles of light as you enjoy this moon of balance and love.

Blessed Be )0(

Ostara by Pia, mixed media, 2021

Full Moon Virgo & mama earth love

Tonight’s full luna in Virgo reminds us to ground and nourish with the Earth Mother herself. Dream yourself away to your favourite location on Gaia, let your angst drop and let it transform into the branches of an exotic flower, nourishing another more fulfilling aspect of yourself. Connect with the land and receive the healing calmness of being protected. Under the Virgo moon mama’s earth energy, you are forever held and loved.

Blessed Be )0(

Flower Goddess XII, drawing by Pia, 2021

New Moon Aquarius & lunar healings

Dive deep into the universal consciousness with the Aquarian new moon tonight. Let your thoughts run free and fine-tune your antenna to the endless sky above. Receive the water bearer’s messages from far beyond the current wavelength of activity. Answer the call to anything which feels freeing and empowering. Maybe it is a new way of thinking or being, or a deep acceptance of your own soul-self, a realisation where you sparkle and shine in your own truth. Flow in the imagination of the Aquarian age, where freedom and fresh ideas join hands. Which one will you choose?

Blessed Be )0(

Star mermaid, drawing by Pia, 2021

Full Moon Scorpio & deep healings

The Queen of deep waters, Scorpio, joins the full moon for a luminous visit tonight. She invites you to leave your dirty laundry behind and let go of that emotional clutter. With the freedom to enjoy your own dreams, the Scorpio luna taps into the ancestral line and blesses your skills. You are a true magician of your own life. Bathe in sacred waters, infused with smokey quartz and rhodochrosite, let their vibrational qualities purify and support your body and soul. In the deep waters of Scorpio, we get to peek behind the veil, and journey in dream-time to that place where we have already been. Time and space collapse as your follow your totem into the mist. Awaken in light and trust.

Blessed Be )0(
