Category: blue calcite

Full Moon Libra – balancing soul & heart

Balance the scales tonight with the Libra full moon, her energy activating that which need readjustment. Pour your soul and heart to the Goddess of Spring and receive her guidance and comfort. La luna’s Libran flow finds the faraway corners with spirited energy of festivity and encourages us to experience true bliss. Let her moon healing open your hidden box of innermost wishes and feel the air carrying them to their rightful destination. Perhaps there are fairies involved, notice the sparkles of light as you enjoy this moon of balance and love.

Blessed Be )0(

Ostara by Pia, mixed media, 2021

New Moon Gemini & twinned wishing time

Communication with like-minded souls is emerging to the surface with the new moon in Gemini tonight. Reinforced by the entertaining air of the twins, the ideas you forge at this very moment will create a fortunate haven, blessed by the souls who are kindred. Utilise this auspicious opportunity to cleanse any limiting beliefs of self-expansion, free your mind and dance with the air sylphs to receive their offerings of the intellectual kind. Remember that when grounding your ideas with an open heart, you connect to the synchronous paths of the cosmos. Seeding your wishes in la luna’s newly formed embrace, her cauldron will absorb and simmer, and she will deliver something even greater than you envisioned in the months to come.  The Ace of Pipes is supporting your ideas, fueled by the twins’ air, she blows all doubts away.

Blessed Be )0(