Category: rose quartz

New Moon Gemini, with the Empress blessing

Swirling through the ether, the Gemini new luna is providing courage to communicate with yourself, the ancestors and Mother Earth. In a ring of 10 Pentacles, ground and invite the astrological twin energy to heal your circle of beings. The blessing of The Empress, lifting her hood and unveiling planetary companions, can send you into the Akasha to retrieve your soul’s blessing. Think wide and far tonight and feel your heart opening to another round of possibilities as the new moon kisses your sweet lips.

Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Taurus & earthy love

Stay with your thoughts focused on the best and let the unease be. The new moon in Taurus will bless you with her oxen powers and let you cherish in Venusian delights. What is her gift, we wonder, the one within reach, just for you? Listen to la luna’s messages tonight, and let the tensions drift, receive the earth-moon’s healing and sleep deeply. Dream well, flower child of the wild. Your blossoming is near.

Blessed Be )0(

Art by Pia

New Moon Sagittarius & adventure blooms

Have your magical bow and arrow ready when la luna arrives in Sagittarius tonight. The friendly archer has many surprises for you, spurring your adventurous soul further into the vast universe of kindred souls. Focus on your higher heart, with its’ decorated passages of acceptance and narrow corridors of dreams lined with extraordinary exotic flowers. In here, the archer’s arrow has already found its’ mark, the seeds of love have been planted, your soul’s moisture watering the flowers to full bloom. Inhale the scent of softness, the iridescent waves of Sagittarius friendly fire as you journey gently under the new moon.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Gemini, calling the lovers

candles tarot card the lovers rosequartz

Intersecting space and time, the full moon of the twins is consulting and consoling our intricately linked facets  of the feminine and the masculine, the cool and the heat, the moist and the dry, the dark and the light. Uniting with your kindred spirits on all levels of the psyche and corpus, tune into the Gemini moon’s swift rays and call in your true self and also those who you can safely invite into your sacred space of companionship. Under this full luna of the twins, listen to your inner oracle and embrace the wittiness of the Gemini banter, enlightening your love zone where the communication of the souls is of inherent importance. Those who make you smile with their storytelling are the true masters of healing.  Be wise and open up to change.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Taurus, earth sensuals awaken

empress tarot card crystals

Admire the pearly fullness of the Taurean luna in the sky tonight. Together with the Empress sublime energy, the Ox moon will uncover and unite undiscovered sensual experiences and bring forth a renewed richness to life. This is an auspicious time to earth your body and accept the abundance which is being offered. Be open to receiving luxuries from both the heavenly and earthly realms as the veils are thinning in preparation for Samhain. The Venusian Ox will provide a spectacular feast in the early winter’s pensive vibe. Journey well, say thank you to the ancestors and flow with the riches.  Love is yours.

Blessed Be )0(