Category: quartz points

New Moon Aries & creating peace

The new luna in Aries begins the astrological year with a message to look within and to find your peaceful position. The Ram will fuel your intuition and help to release anxious thoughts and restlessness. Know that your time is precious and you are here for a bigger purpose. In the night of the dark moon, meditate and heal with the world. Trust that the powerful Aries fire will transmute toxicity and bring forth an opportunity to cleanse and renew. Through dreaming with the golden Ram, we can all join our virtual hands and hearts and connect for the greater good. Soul expansion is arriving as we are making it through the circle to the lighter side. Gaze at the night sky and observe the crystal clear clarity of beaming healing stars, open your aura and welcome their shimmering magic. All will be OK.

Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Aquarius, in community we love

The Aquarius new moon brings together our past, present and future community in an abstract existential space. Bask in the open-minded cool air of the waterbearer’s luna and see far and beyond. There is a horizon of purple haze calling you in, welcoming your star presence to the new age. Cleanse your aura and accept the rapid change of vibration, reach out and hold the sparkling hand of your cosmic guide. Another journey begins, your wholeness is imperative for the well-being of the universe. Gratitude is the key, it opens the doors to the dream-state of reality. Cherish the smooth transmission and receive the codes of realisation.

Blessed Be )0(

Artwork by Pia

Full Moon Capricorn & lunar eclipse

Capricorn full moon eclipsed will bring out the hidden paths of your soul, your ties with the past, present and future are shifting, creating space for the new to enter. During this transitory time-zone, walk into your own ancient forest of delicate nourishment, in your mind the trees grow tall while you tread barefoot on the soft moss-covered ground. What is occulted is now revealed, the connection to your emotions will be acknowledged, they are real. There is nothing to hinder the progress you are embarking on. The temporarily darkened goat moon will show you the survival strategy to lighten your burden. Listen to the sounds of love from the roots of the ancient forest and surrender to their healing song. The way of the mystic is crystal-clear.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Virgo & sparkling prospects

Tonight’s earthy Virgo full moon sends a hint of sparkle into the wintery moods and highlights our attitude to serve. Look at the higher prospects of service, not only how you behave and help in the community, but how you serve your own dreams and desires. Listen to your body’s melody as the Virgo vibe guides you along to thoroughly loosen up your limbs, cleansing your bodily house while gazing at the moon. Coupled with the Pisces dreamy energy of fine-tuning your higher vision, the Virgo luna will support you to root that dream, and reminds you to not lose touch with who you really are. Walk among the sacred ancestors from the ancient past and embrace their wisdom. Calming clarity will enrichen your weeks ahead as you turn a corner and welcome spring.

Blessed Be )0(

Shaman’s dream, (in progress), painting by Pia

Full Moon Gemini, calling the lovers

candles tarot card the lovers rosequartz

Intersecting space and time, the full moon of the twins is consulting and consoling our intricately linked facets  of the feminine and the masculine, the cool and the heat, the moist and the dry, the dark and the light. Uniting with your kindred spirits on all levels of the psyche and corpus, tune into the Gemini moon’s swift rays and call in your true self and also those who you can safely invite into your sacred space of companionship. Under this full luna of the twins, listen to your inner oracle and embrace the wittiness of the Gemini banter, enlightening your love zone where the communication of the souls is of inherent importance. Those who make you smile with their storytelling are the true masters of healing.  Be wise and open up to change.

Blessed Be )0(