Category: snowy quartz

New Moon Pisces & deep dreaming

Overflowing with water, the new moon in Pisces allows us to dream into being that which has eluded us, those ideas which have floated away are now returning to our consciousness. Let them simmer in the pot of imagination and observe if they are linked to our hearts desire. Stay in the Piscean dream-time and let la luna comfort you, her energies will turn the tide for deep healing. Spend time near your favourite water source, and soak in the nurturing waves of the unknown. Be receptive once again, and momentarily let down your guard for true joy to enter. The rays of the Piscean moon and sun will amplify and provide a safe space for an honest possibility.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Cancer & nurturing stars

Here we are under the Cancerian full moon’s light, nesting in our soul’s safe space. Introversion nurtures the passages in our minds as we gather truthful thoughts in quiet solitude. Bring your focus to those who are close to your heart, bless them to flourish as the shining stars they are. Emotions of gratitude may arise, let any tears flow while the Cancerian Mama Luna wipes them away with her compassion. Your boundaries are strengthened as the full lunar rays hit your bodily abode. Stay within, close your eyes, and gaze into the dream-time. Much is yet to be revealed, but now it is time to rest and wait.

Blessed Be )0(

Mama Rose Star, drawing by Pia, 2020

New Moon Pisces & initiating compassionate visions

With the new moon in Pisces energising the sky, gather your mermaid friends and start an underwater coven of mischief and fun. Mystical and dreamy, the Piscean energy will nurture your emotions with its’ promises of healing the subconscious. The ancient wisdom received now is stirring your undercurrent and electrifying deep wishes. Once more, let yourself dream and sleep undisturbed, as the water-faes wash away your fears of the unknown. Wear your mermaid tail with bravery and weave yourself out of the dark depths into the turquoise waters of the nourishing heart. Accept the freedom and chant it into being.

Blessed Be )0(

Spring Equinox & Full Moon Libra musings

oracle card with three women

Celebrate Spring Equinox and the joy of partnership with family, friends and lovers under the fresh Libra full moon. Use ‘yes’ as your compass to navigate to your true north, it is an easy path once you understand your freedom of choice. Old patterning is cleansed when you dance in the footsteps of the spring Goddess. Her movements are free and wild, yet compassionate and grounding. With the increasing daylight nurturing earth and its’ beings, your curiosity is lit with the promise of a deep transformation. Plant your soul-seeds for the next season with magic, their sparkling buds will unfold universal truths, like exotic flowers, they will bring you love and happiness of an unknown kind. We do not need all the answers now. Trust and receive.

Blessed Be )0(