Category: stilbite

Full Moon Sagittarius & fire woman

Gorgeous Sagittarius full moon arrives tonight to lighten up our souls. Bare your heart, body and soul to the archer’s friendly fire and surrender to the flow of love. Accompanied with an imaginary travelling spirit and an eternal map, the Sagittarian energy refreshes our dreams and brings clarity to our path. Shake your way onto the next journey, survey the ground with a kaleidoscopic eye and observe the shimmer of Mama Earth. In our lotus filled hearts we find the kindred, the seekers and the soul-twins. Look into the mirror and know you are found.

Blessed Be )0(

Fire Goddess, drawing by Pia, 2021

New Moon Cancer emotions and unfolding the soul


The emotional Crab New Moon can send you flying high and low. Gently open up and let the unfolding be a natural process. We are past Solstice and the new energies await with unseen horizons calling, but not until you truly release the past. Invite the emotions to guide you while the intellectual analyses take a step back.  Be in sync with the nurturing waters of this Luna Crab and hibernate in her shell for a silent meditation to heal yourself – and the world. Blessed be.